施工技术 2012年5月上 32 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第364期 某钢结构巨型插入式柱脚施工技术 蒋礼,冯长胜,薛飞飞,胡小勇2,徐聪,周鹏1 (1.中建钢构有限公可,广东深圳518040;2.武汉铁路局,湖北武汉430071) [摘要]厦门海峡交流中心二期工程1号楼巨型插入式钢柱脚伸人混凝土底板内2m 并下设8根0.6m长的锚栓, 施工分螺栓预埋和柱脚安装两步,且与底板混凝土两次浇筑穿插施工,混凝土浇筑对柱脚安装精度影响最大,现场 制作限位板与错栓成组整体预埋并与底板钢筋刚接形成稳固结构削弱影响,还采取钢筋点焊加固及导链和钢筋拉 杆组合加固措施以削弱混凝土施工的不利影响,有效保证了埋入式巨型钢柱脚的安装精度. [关键词]钢结构;柱脚;错栓;安装;精度 [中图分类号]TU758.11 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)09-0032-03 Construction Technology of Giant Embed Steel Column Foot Jiang Li' Feng Changsheng' Xue Feifei' Hu Xiaoyong? Xu Cong' Zhou Peng' (1.China Construction Steel Strueture Co.Lad.Shenzhen Guangdong 518040 China: 2.Wuhan Railway Station Wuhan Hubei 430071.China) Abstract:The giant embedded steel column foot of Xiamen Strait Exchange Center No.I Building sticks 2m in the concrete base and there are eight 0.6m-length anchors on the bottom of the steel column foot. There are two steps for the installation of steel column foot the first step is to embed the eight anchors the second step is to install the steel column foot.After each step the concrete pouring follows which made the greatest influence on installation accuracy.Before installation on-site made location-limited board is bined with the eight anchors into an anchor group to be pre-embedded.The anchor group is fixed with steel bars in the board by spot-welding to a solid structure to weaken the influence.Some reinforcement measures are taken to reduce adverse effect of concrete pouring such as leading chain and steel pull-ro...
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