施工技术 2016年11月上 82 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第21期 D0I:10.7672/5gjs2016210082 某钢结构网架屋盖提升装置分析* 陈明,贺天翔 (内蒙古科技大学钢结构与空间结构研究所,内蒙古包头014010) [摘要]大型网架屋盖结构的安装提升受到多种因素的限制.需要进行提升过程的仿真分析.根据某实际网架屋 盖工程的情况,制定了“楼面拼装、累积提升、高空拼装”的施工方法.结合现场施工条件,为25个提升点设计了提 升架和提升平台等提升装置,针对不同的提升装置,给出了相应的吊点构造.利用有限元软件,对提升装置、吊点 构造进行了受力性能分析.结果表明:提升装置的应力比和位移结果都满足设计要求,风荷载对提升架的影响要 远大于提升平台,应该避免强风提升;吊具和临时吊杆的构造也满足受力要求,临时吊杆的设计还能避免提升中的 杆件碰撞. [关键词]钢结构;网架;提升;拼装;有限元分析 [中图分类号]TU392.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)21-0082-03 Analysis on Hanging Device of the Steel Truss Roof Chen Ming He Tianxiang Institute of Steel and Spatial Structure Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology Baotou Inner Mongolia 014010 China) Abstract:The hanging installation of large space truss roof structure is limited by a variety of factors. Simulation analysis of the hanging process is needed to be carried out.According to the engineering condition of a real roof truss the construction method of‘floor assembly cumulative lift and high altitude installation'was established.Combined with the construction site twenty-five lifting points were designed with lifting devices such as lifting frame and lifting platform.According to different lifting devices the corresponding lifting devices were given.By using finite element software the mechanical performance of the lifting devices and lifting points were analyzed.Results show that the lifting devices of the stress ratio and displacement results meet the design requirements.The effect of wind load on ...