2014年12月上 施工技术 第43卷第23期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 47 D01:10.7672/8gjs2014230047 柔性支架设计方法与应用研究* 孙九春12 (1.同济大学土木工程学院,上海200092;2.腾达建设集团股份有限公司,上海200122) [摘要]支架作为一种重要的临时支撑结构,形式日趋多样,但是相关的研究、规范主要针对满布式钢管支架,而对 于梁式支架尚缺乏相应的设计与计算方法.为此首先提出基于支架力学特点的分类方法,创建了柔性支架设计荷 载的分类与组合方法.在此基础上,基于现浇结构与柔性支架的受力特点,提出复合受力结构的概念,建立了基于 刚性支撑的柔性支架计算方法.结果表明,该方法较传统方法更科学合理,结构本身的安全度受到应有重视. [关键词]桥梁工程;支撑;复合结构;现浇混凝土 [中图分类号]U445;TU311.4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)23-0047-08 Study on Design Method and Application of Flexible Supports Sun Jiuchun'.2 (1.College of Civil Engineering Tongji University Shanghai 200092 China: 2.Tengda Construction Group Co.Lad. Shanghai 200122 China) Abstract:As an important temporary support structure support system has different forms.However relevant researches and standards are mainly focused on full space steel tube supports.Appropriate design and calculation methods for beam-type supports are rarely reported.To solve this problem this paper firstly puts forward a classification method based on the mechanical characters of supports then classification and bination method of design load of flexible supports is established.On this basis based on the mechanical characters of cast-in-situ structure and flexible supports the concept of bined-force structure is proposed.And the calculation method of flexible supports based on rigid support is established.The results show that the proposed method is more rational than traditional method.The safety of structures gets enough attention it d...
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