施工技术 2016年2月上 82 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第3期 D0I:10.7672/8gjs2016030082 柔性防水施工在钢楼承板组合轻质屋面工程中的应用* 郑光升,杨凯,王志凌,井谢谢 (内蒙古兴泰建设集团有限公司,内蒙古鄂尔多斯017010) [摘要]将常用于重型屋面的柔性卷材防水与轻质屋面基层结合,既保证了屋面的防水效果又减小了屋面自重. 利用机械固定及热风焊接技术固定柔性卷材与轻质屋面基层,保证了卷材与基层连接的牢固性和接缝处的防水 性,解决了常规轻质屋面采用刚性防水在屋面造型处及突出物处的漏水问题以及因为混凝土屋面自重较大难以实 现大跨度场馆结构要求的问题. [关键词]防水工程;屋面工程;柔性防水;大跨度结构;轻型钢屋架;钢楼承板 [中图分类号]TU761.1*1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)03-0082-03 Construction Technology of Flexible Waterproof in Composite Light-weight Roof of a Large-span Steel Building Zheng Guangsheng Yang Kai Wang Zhiling Jing Xiexie Inner Mongolia Xingtai Construction Group Co.Ld.Erdos Inner Mongolia 017010 China) Abstract:Combining the flexible waterproofing material with the light-weigh roof the waterproof effect is insured and the weight of the roof is reduced.Mechanical fastening and hot air welding technology are used to fix flexible waterproof material and light-weight roofing ensuring the stability and superior waterproof performance.The use of rigid waterproof roof and prominent in the water leakage problem as well as the use of flexible waterproof layer for concrete roof weight is solved to meet the requirements of large-span structures. Key words:waterproofing;roofs;flexible waterproof;large-span structures;light-weight roof truss; steel floors 1工程概况 板上铺设无纺布隔离层;最后铺设聚酯纤维内增强 本工程为乌兰察布市体育馆,位于乌兰察布 型PVC防水卷材,卷材用自攻螺钉及套筒固定在钢 市集宁新区,占地约10000m2 看台座位3300个, 楼承板上,然后将钉孔处利用卷材搭接接头覆盖, 可容纳4个标准羽毛球比赛场地或1个标准篮球 卷材的搭接采用热风焊接方式,焊缝强度、保证年 比赛场地.本馆为全封闭式,屋顶高14m 屋盖为 限与母材的性...
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