2010年2月 施工技术 第39卷第2期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 67 格宾网挡墙在某堤防工程中的应用 范光华,贾刚2,张进3 (1.四川省水利电力工程局,四川都江堰611830; 2.重庆市弘禹水利咨询有限公司,重庆401147; 3.中国煤炭经济技术合作总公司西南路桥,重庆401046) [滴要]重庆市巴南区长江防洪护岸综合整治二期工程(外河坪段)采用格宾网挡墙进行滨江路堤防支护.格宾网 挡墙具有适应性强、透水能力强、结构整体性强、施工方便易组合、耐久性好、造价低等特点.针对格宾网挡墙施工 难点,介绍格宾网挡墙制作技术、施工工艺流程以及施工过程中组装控制质量管理.并对格宾网挡墙的面板出现 受压鼓出等特殊情况处理进行了探导.结果表明,工程质量满足设计、规范要求. [关键词]格宾网挡墙;堤防;施工技术 [中围分类号]U416.1 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2010)02-0067-03 Application of Gabion Retaining Wall in Some Dike Fan Guanghua' Jia Gang? Zhang Jin' (1.Water Conservaney and Hydroelectricity Engineering Bureau of Sichuan Province Dujiangyan Sichuan 611830 China; 2.Chongging Hongyu Water Resources Consulting Co. Lid.Chongging 401147 China; 3.Coal Economic and Technical Cooperation Corporation Southwest Road and Bridge in China Chongging 401046 China) Abstract:Gabion retaining wall is taken to support dike of Binjiang Road in No.2 engineering with Waiheping section of Yangzi River floodwater and revetment in Chongqing.There are characteristics in Gabion retaining wall including good adaptability high permeability good structural integrity convenient construction good durability and low cost.Based on construction difficulties of Gabion retaining wall fabrication construction flow and control quality management are introduced during the process of construction.Besides special accidents of Gabion retaining wall are outlined such as the panel is pressed to bloat.The results show that engineering quality can meet demands of desig...