2013年7月下 施工技术 第42卷第14期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY D0I:10.7672/sgjs2013140001 桐庐励骏酒店巨型悬挑桁架支撑体系卸载关键技术 沙学勇,周观根,周小斐 (浙江东南网架股份有限公司,浙江杭州311209) [摘要]桐庐励骏酒店钢结构工程施工难点在于采用了大跨度巨型悬挑结构,最大悬挑长度达36m 其安装技术对 主体结构整体性影响较大,在安装过程中对悬挑部分的支撑架卸载过程进行了三维仿真分析,并对悬挑结构进行 了卸载过程中结构变形的监测.通过分析和监测,指导本工程的施工安装过程. [关键词]高层建筑;悬挑桁架;有限元分析;支撑架;卸载;监测 [中图分类号]TU731.2 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2013)14-0001-04 Key Unloading Technology of the Bracing System for Giant Cantilever Truss of Tonglu Legendale Hotel Sha Xueyong Zhou Guan'gen Zhou Xiaofei (Zhejiang Southeast Space Frame Co. Ltd.Hangzhou Zhejiang 311209 China) Abstract:The construction difficulty of Legendale Hotel lies in the long-span giant cantilever truss used for the steel structure engineering.The maximum cantilever length is up to 36m and the installation technology of cantilever has great influence on the main structure integrity.The 3D digital simulation of the unloading process of the cantilever bracing system was conducted during installation and the deformation monitoring of the cantilever was carried out during unloading process.The result of analysis and monitoring is used to guide the construction of this project. Key words:tall buildings cantilever truss;finite element analysis;supports;unloading;monitoring 1工程概况 励骏酒店位于浙江省桐庐县城富春江畔,为桐 庐县标志性建筑.该工程主要由1幢高层酒店宾 馆、2层地下室及其他建筑(东西裙房)组成,总建筑 面积81000m2 总高度为157m 主楼39层,为钢框 架-钢筋混凝土核心筒结构(见图1).主楼大堂入 口的上方设有大悬挑楼层,该悬挑楼层共5层(2F ~7F 建筑标高10.200~35.700m) 最大悬挑长度 36m(见图2),桁架的主要上、下弦杆和斜、竖腹杆 采用焊接箱形截面,次要弦杆采用焊接H型钢或热 轧H型钢,节点区采用64个铸钢件节点.桁架间 ...
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