2013年1月下 施工技术 第42卷第2期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 35 梁式转换层预应力斜拉杆施工技术* 谢洪阳1,杨欢,李洪泉2 (1.南昌航空大学土木建筑学院,江西南昌330063;2.江西省建工集团有限责任公司,江西南昌330046) [摘要]结合赣州中廷广场项目,提出一种新的转换梁施工技术一一预应力斜拉杆施工法.通过合理设置预应力 斜拉杆,与框架梁柱形成组合结构,共同承担转换梁施工期间的荷载.该技术提高了框架梁施工阶段的承载能力, 减少了转换梁下层的支撑数量,缩短了施工工期. [关键词]梁式转换层;预应力;斜拉杆;支撑;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU731.2;TU375 [文献标识码]A 【文章编号]1002-8498(2013)02-0035-03 Construction of Beam Transfer Floor Using Prestressed Oblique Tensioning Link Xie Hongyang' Yang Huan' Li Hongquan2 (1.School of Civil Engineering and Architecture Nanchang Hangkong University Nanchang Jiangxi 330063 China; 2.Jiangxi Construction Engineering Group Co. Ltd.Nanchang Jiangxi 330046 China) Abstract:In the construction of Zhongting Square in Ganzhou an innovative method was proposed for the construction of beam transfer floor using pre-stressed oblique tensioning link.By properly setting pre- stressed oblique tensioning links which worked together with the concrete frame beams and columns a posite structure was formed to bear the loads of transfer beam during construction.This construction technique improves the bearing capacity of frame beam during the construction period reduces the number of supports required below the beam transfer floor and shortens the construction period. Key words:beam transfer floor;prestressing;oblique tensioning link;supports;construction 1工程概况 内结构转换梁施工一般采用埋设型钢桁架加强模 赣州中廷广场位于赣州市章贡区水南新区长板、层层卸荷一次支模浇筑或分层浇筑叠合成型等 征大道东侧,建筑高度96.2m 建筑面积54682m2 施工方法. 地下2层,地上30层.地下2层至地上6层为框架 1)预埋钢桁架法 剪力墙结构,7~30层为剪力墙结构标准层...
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