2017年9月下 施工技术 第46卷第18期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 11 D0I:10.7672/5j52017180011 椭圆形不连续支承弦支穹顶预应力施工技术* 于敬海1 2,冷明1 3,张俊铎4,鲍敏5 (1.天津大学建筑工程学院,天津300072;2.天津大学建筑设计研究院,天津300073; 3.中国电建集团中南勘测设计研究院有限公司,湖南长沙410000;4.天津三建建筑 工程有限公司,天津300171;5.北京市建筑工程研究院有限责任公司,北京100039) [摘要]针对不连续支承椭圆形弦支弯顶结构,通过施工全过程分析,确定了适用于该类结构的分步分级张拉径向 杆的预应力施加方法.根据结构特点,设立了合理的施工张拉控制方法,实现了预应力体系的建立和结构的成型. 对施工过程中的网壳起拱值进行监测,结果表明现场监测值与理论计算值吻合较好.此外,对放样误差进行统计 分析发现,该误差对结构受力状态和最终起拱值影响较小.这说明了以索力控制为主,挠度控制为辅的控制标准 能够满足设计要求. [关键词]钢结构;索结构;预应力;弦支穹顶;施工过程;分级张拉:施工技术 [中图分类号]TU391 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2017)18-0011-04 Prestressed Construction Technology of Suspendome Structure with Discontinuous Support YU Jinghail.2 LENG Ming'.3 ZHANG Junduo BAO Mins (1.School of Civil Engineering Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China;2.Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tianjin University Tianjin 300073 China;3.Hydro China Zhongnan Engineering Co. Ld.Changsha Hu'nan 410000 China;4.Tianjin No.3 Construction Engineering Co.Ltd. Tianjin 300171 China;5.Beijing Building Construction Research Institute Co.Ld.Beijing 100039 China) Abstract:A step by step tension method is designed for suspended-dome structure with discontinuous support.A construction control method which is applied to prestressed system and the whole structure is established according to the structure's features.When the tension process pleted the theoretical value pared well with data from experiments.Moreover statistics of the laying out error suggest that its influence on stru...
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