施工技术 2015年4月上 22 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第7期 D0I:10.7672/5js2015070022 楼板浇筑过程中脚手架支撑系统施工监测及数值分析 郭凯,王海,崔爱珍,元立刚 (中国建筑第八工程局有限公司天津分公司,天津300452) [摘要]对天津滨海国际机场扩建交通中心工程地下1层楼板及梁体的混凝土浇筑过程中,脚手架系统的安全状 况进行了研究,运用ANSYS软件对脚手架系统进行了数值模拟,计算得到脚手架系统在施工过程中内力和变形的 变化规律;并对脚手架系统在楼板及梁体混凝土浇筑过程杆件的内力变化进行了实时监测.监测的结果验证了数 值分析模型,同时也对混凝土浇筑过程中脚手架系统的安全状况提供依据. [关键词]脚手架;监测;数值模拟:内力;变形 [中图分类号]TU755.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)07-0022-03 Construction Monitoring and Numerical Analysis for the Scaffold Supporting System in Slab Concrete Casting Process Guo Kai Wang Hai Cui Aizhen Qi Ligang Tianjin Branch China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Co.Lid.Tianjin 300452 China) Abstract:In this paper the security situation of scaffold system is studied for the ground floor of the Tianjin Binhai International Airport expansion transportation center project during concrete pouring process.The internal force and deformation for the scaffold system during the construction process can be got by using numerical simulation furthermore the bar's internal forces changes for the scaffold system can be obtained by real-time monitoring.The test results can verify the accuracy of the numerical model and also ean provide the safety condition for the scaffolding system during the conerete pouring process. Key words:scaffolds;monitoring;numerical simulation;internal force;deformation 建筑行业每年由于安全事故丧生的从业人员时,及时做出预警,以保证施工过程的安全. 有数千人之多,直接经济损失逾百亿元.据有关统1工程概况 计,在我国建筑施工系统每年发生的事故中,大约 天津滨海国际机场扩建配套机场交通中心工 有1/3左右直接或间接与架设工具及其使用的问题 程位于天津滨海国...