施工技术 2016年7月下 64 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第14期 D0I:10.7672/8js2016140064 江苏大剧院关节轴承节点支座静力试验研究 马强1,余杰2,张翔宇1 (1.江苏沪宁钢机股份有限公司,江苏宜兴214231; 2.宜兴市万石镇村镇建设管理服务所,江苏宜兴214212) [摘要]江苏大剧院工程钢柱柱脚支座采用关节轴承节点,该节点由铸钢底座、方柱、向心关节轴承、销轴、耳板和 盖板等部件组成.此类节点使用较少,缺乏试验依据和受力机理亦不明确,无明确的计算方法确定其承载力.为 验证设计荷载下的受力安全性,对该节点进行了足尺加载试验和有限元分析,通过试验监测,得到了节点各部件的 应变、位移和应力变化情况. [关键词]钢结构;关节轴承;静力试验;应变;有限元分析 [中图分类号]TU318 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)14-0064-04 Static Experimental Study on Spherical Plain Bearing Joint for Jiangsu Grand Theater Ma Qiang' Yu Jie2 Zhang Xiangyu' (1.Jiangsu Huning Steel Mechanism Co.Ltd.Yixing Jiangsu 214231 China; 2.Rural Construction Management Office Wanshi Yixing Yixing Jiangsu 214212 China) Abstract:A type of spherical plain bearing joint on the base of steel column is adopted in Jiangsu Grand Theater.The joint is posed of a cast steel base square column a radial spherical plain bearing a pin shaft and ear-plates and cover plates.This kind of joint uses less and lacks of experimental basis. The stress mechanism and bearing capacity calculation method are not clear.The full-scale joint loading tests and finite element analysis were carried out in order to verify the safety under the design load.The change of strain stress and displacement in the various part of the joint were obtained from the tests. Key words:steel structures;spherical plain bearing;static experiment;strain;finite element analysis 1试验背景 15000kN.试验节点构造如图2所示. 江苏大剧院钢结构工程跨度大,钢柱形状不规 则,为释放端部弯矩,柱端与支座选用铰接连接. 为实现空间上的铰接,本工程在钢柱端部采...
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