2011年7月上 施工技术 第40卷第344期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 43 江苏沛屯地区预应力管桩单桩竖向承载力研究 张旭光1,李杰1,刘兴杰2,张海芳1 (1.中国矿业大学资源与地球科学学院,江苏徐州221116;2.上海大屯能源股份有限公司,江苏徐州221611) [摘要]现行《建筑桩基技术规范》JGJ94一2008中根据土的物理指标与承载力参数之间的经验关系确定单桩竖向 承载力在沛屯地区应用中发现有较大误差.收集了沛屯地区比较有代表性的1例工程勘察资料及桩基质量检测 报告,从影响桩侧阻力和桩端阻力发挥因素方面分析了误差产生的原因,通过MATLAB编程对收集的资料进行统 计分析,得出黏土、粉土与含砂姜黏土的极限桩侧阻力修正系数和极限柱端阻力修正系数,从而建立了符合该地区 管桩实际承载力的经验计算公式,为这一柱型在该地区实际工程中的应用提供了依据. [关键词]预应力管桩;承载力;桩侧阻力;桩端阻力;修正系数;静载试验 [中图分类号]TU473.11 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)13-0043-04 Research on the Vertical Bearing Capacity of the Single Prestressed Pipe Pile in Peitun Area of Jiangsu Province Zhang Xuguang' Li Jie' Liu Xingjie' Zhang Haifang' (1.The School of Resource and Earth Science China University of Mining and Technology Xuzhou Jiangsu 221116 China: 2.Shanghai Datun Energy Resources Co.Ltd.Xuzhou Jiangsu 221611 China) Abstract:It's inappropriate when applied to Peitun area for the existing Technical Code for Building Pile Foundations JGJ94-2008 in accordance with soil physical indicators and the empirical relationship between the bearing capacity of single pile identified capacity.This thesis concludes uncovers the reason for errors from the impact of side resistance and tip resistance factors based on data including investigation data of 11 projects and reports of pile foundation detection.After the statistics analysis and calculation of collected data with the method of MATLAB programming are made.The authors obtain clay silt and clay with lime concretion ultimate resi...
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