2016年12月上 施工技术 第45卷第23期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY D0I:10.7672/sj52016230007 沈阳宝能环球金融中心超大型巨柱地脚螺栓及 抗剪键在大底板中安装技术 潘春龙,王高飞,赵有平,陈思明 (中建三局集团有限公司东北分公司,辽宁沈阳110000) [摘要]沈阳宝能环球金融中心项目1塔楼为在建东北第一高楼,其结构形式为巨型外框伸臂桁架劲性混凝 土核心筒结构,外框巨柱最大截面为5.2m×3.5m 逐渐收缩至1.8mx1.8m.在巨柱安装过程中,其地脚螺栓必须 精准定位.本工程为保证地脚螺栓精准定位,在施工过程中提前插入,采用非埋人形式,其柱脚预埋安装采用地脚 螺栓进行定位埋设.巨型外框钢柱地脚螺栓埋入筏板基础内,与基础钢筋穿插施工,筏板基础钢柱柱脚通过固定 支撑架锚栓定位. [关键词]高层建筑;钢结构;巨柱;地脚螺栓;抗剪键;底板;安装 [中图分类号]TU758.11 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)23-0007-03 Installation Technology of Anchor Bolt and Shear Connector for Super Giant Column in the Large Base Plate for Shenyang Baoneng Global Financial Center Pan Chunlong Wang Gaofei Zhao Youping Chen Siming Northeast Branch of China Construction Third Engineering Group Co.Lsd. Shenyang Liaoning 110000 China) Abstract:The Tower 1 of Shenyang Baoneng Global Financial Center which is in construction will be the tallest building in the northeast of China whose structure is posed of mega frame outrigger and posite steel concrete core.The maximum section dimension of giant column is 5.2m x 3.5m gradually shrinking to 1.8m x 1.8m.The anchor bolts must be accurately positioned in the installation of giant column.To ensure precise position of anchor bolts and insert them in advance in the construction the project adopts non-submerged anchor bolts which are installed by the position of support structure. The giant steel anchor bolts fixed with reinforcing steel bar are embedded in the foundation. Key words:tall buildings;steel stru...
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