施工技术 2015年9月下 94 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第18期 D01:10.7672/gjs2015180094 泥浆处理技术在中信城市广场项目中的应用 高海彦,高金银,王宝德,张兆吉,刘成 (中国建筑第八工程局有限公司天津分公司,天津300452) [摘要]泥浆护壁钻孔灌注桩钻孔用水量大、泥浆排放多,如何有效降低用水量、减少泥浆排放,一直是这一工艺需 要创新提高的重要内容之一.中信城市广场项目,为节约用水、减少泥浆排放,项目设计了一种“旋挖钻机回转 钻机除砂器”的组合工艺,实现了大幅减少桩基钻孔用水、减少泥浆排放、黏性土配制高质量泥浆几个既定目标. 在此基础上,又引进了新型泥水分离设备及技术,在本工程桩基施工中进行了试验应用,泥浆分离及应用效果良 好,可在今后类似工程施工中继续探索发展、推广应用. [关键词]桩基础;泥浆;钻孔灌注桩;减排;分离 [中图分类号]TU447 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)18-0094-04 Mud Treating Technology Application in Zhongxin City Square Gao Haiyan Gao Jinyin Wang Baode Zhang Zhaoji Liu Cheng Tianjin Branch of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Co.Ld.Tianjin 300452 China) Abstract:Bored piles with mud protection has disadvantages of large water consumption lots of mud emission.How to reduce the water consumption and mud emission is an important content for the process innovation.Based on the Zhongxin city square project a posite process is designed as rotary drilling rig rotaring drilling sand separator to reduce the water consumption and mud emission and the high quality mud is prepared with cohesive soil.Based on this method a new mud separation device is applied and the testing is put forward in the construction.The mud separation effect is very good and the further development and exploration will be done in the similar project. Key words:piles;mud;bored piles;emission reduction;separation 1技术背景 室全逆作施工.地下室为框架结构,设计模式为1 中国水资源总量少于巴西、俄罗斯、加拿大、美柱1桩,地下连续墙兼作结构外墙.承担边跨结构荷 国和印度尼西亚,居世界第六位.若按人均水资源 载...
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