施工技术 2015年4月下 76 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第8期 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2015080076 洛阳天堂塔钢结构施工三维仿真分析* 何伟,何容,李晓克,朱亚飞 (华北水利水电大学土木与交通学院,河南郑州450045) [摘要]洛阳天堂塔是为保护洛阳市隋唐城天堂遗址而建设的钢结构建筑.天堂塔结构形式复杂,施工繁琐.为 保证塔身结构施工安全,采用ANSYS软件建立了天堂塔三维有限元模型,考虑了自重、塔式起重机附着、施工荷载 等,按设计施工顺序,进行了面向施工全过程仿真分析,研究了施工过程中的结构应力及其增量等变化规律.计算 结果显示,施工期内钢梁应力较小,结构安全,因此施工工序是合理的. [关键词]塔枪结构;钢结构;施工;数值模拟;分析 [中图分类号]TU391 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)08-0076-04 Three-dimension Simulation for Steel Structure Construction of Luoyang Paradise Tower He Wei He Rong Li Xiaoke Zhu Yafei (School of Civil Engineering and Communication North China University of Water Resourees and Electric Power Zhengzhou He'nan 450045 China) Abstract:Luoyang Paradise Tower was constructed to protect the Sui-Tang ruin site in Luoyang city.The tower was a plex structure of which the construction course was plicated.In order to ensure the construction safety of the tower a three-dimensional finite element model of the Paradise Tower was established by software ANSYS to simulate the designed construction process under the load of self- weight crane attachment construction and so on.The structural stress variation and its increment during the construction process were studied.The calculation results showed that the stress of the steel tower was small in the all periods of construction so the safety of the structure was enough and the construction process was reasonable. Key words:towers;steel structures;construction;simulation;analysis 对于遗址保护结构来说,由于结构形式复杂,问题13)....