施工技术 2015年8月上 118 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第15期 D0I:10.7672/8js2015150118 浅埋偏压连拱隧道施工工序优化研究 刘建波 (中铁十一局集团第五工程有限公司,重庆400037) [摘要]为了优化浅埋偏压连拱隧道施工工序,依托四川省某浅埋偏压公路连拱隧道工程,利用ANSYS建立了该 隧道某代表性浅埋偏压断面的二维平面应变模型,模拟了隧道按照设计的8种中洞法施工工序施工的动态力学效 应,结果发现:分台阶法施工的拱顶沉降、围岩最大压力和支护结构最大压应力均小于全断面法施工,并且先开挖 较浅埋侧隧道的围岩最大压应力和支护结构最大压应力均较先开挖较深埋侧隧道的小,此外,分台阶法施工在缩 短工期和节约成本方面更优于全断面法施工.因此,本隧道工程采用中洞法先进右洞分台阶法施工,取得了较好 的施工效果. [关键词]隧道工程;连拱隧道;浅埋;偏压:施工工序;优化 [中图分类号]U455 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)15-0118-05 Optimal Research on Construction Procedure of Double-arched Tunnel Under Unsymmetrical Pressure Liu Jianbo (The 5th Engineering Lid.of the 11th Engineering Bureau of China Railcay Chongging 400037 China) Abstract:To optimize the construction procedure of the double-arched tunnel under unsymmetrical pressure a highway double-arched tunnel under unsymmetrical pressure located in Sichuan of China is referred in this paper.Firstly the two-dimensional plane strain model is created for a representative section of the double-arched tunnel.Then eight kinds of construction procedures based on the middle hole excavation method is designed for the tunnel.Finally the dynamic mechanical behavior of the tunnel excavated in the eight construction procedures is analyzed with the software ANYSYS.It is found that the vault settlement maximum pressure of the surrounding rock and the supporting structure with the separate steps excavation method are all small than that with the full face exeavation method.It is also found that maximum pr...