施工技术 2015年10月上 106 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第19期 D0I:10.7672/8js2015190106 浅埋黄土隧道安全进洞施工技术措施* 刘希亮,杨海涛1,刘招伟2 (1.河南理工大学土木工程学院,河南焦作454000;2.中铁隧道集团,河南洛阳471009) [摘要]以兰山隧道洞口V级围岩浅埋段施工为例,对采用三台阶临时仰拱法进洞施工中产生的沉降、裂缝较大等 问题进行了原因分析,并提出了加密临时仰拱、增加临时竖撑及斜撑、洞口两侧施作反压墙等一系列措施.通过以 上措施的及时施作,有效控制了围岩的变形及裂缝的发展,确保了隧道安全进洞. [关键词]隧道工程;浅埋黄土;沉降;裂缝;施工技术;监测 [中图分类号]U459.1[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2015)19-0106-04 Construction Technology Measures of Safety Breaking into a Shallow-buried Loess Tunnel Liu Xiliang' Yang Haitao Liu Zhaowei (1.School of Civil Engineering He'nan Polytechnic University Jiaozuo He'nan 454000 China; 2.China Railway Tunnel Group Luoyang He'nan 471009 China) Abstract:Based on the shallow-buried loess tunnel portal construction of the Lanshan tunnel in surrounding rock of grade V this paper introduces the construction problems of larger settlement and cracks by using three-bench and temporary inverted arch construction method.After analyzing the causes this papers proposed the solutions including encryption temporary inverted arch increasing brace building backpressure wall and other measures.Through the above measures it is effective to restrain the development of settlement and cracks ensuring the safety of breaking into a shallow-buried loess tunnel. Key words:tunnels;shallow-buried loess;settlement;cracks;construction;monitoring 1工程概况 隧道通过处为黄土梁峁沟壑相间的地貌,山坡 宝兰客运专线兰山隧道全长5452.8m 为双线普遍发育黄土陷穴.经现场查勘,其掌子面新挖土 铁路隧道,设计时速为250km.隧道出口位于兰州 体(尤其是洞口附近)含水率较高,手攥脚踩十分松 市七里河区八里镇崖头村,设计洞口里程为 软,远望洞口所在山坡,黄土陷穴较多. D...