2010年9月 施工技术 第39卷第9期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 85 深厚软土中高桩承台塔式起重机基础稳定性分析 王辉,管昌生2,李鹏2,张喜2 (1 中慢建筑第三工程局有限公司,湖北武汉430042:2.武汉理工大学土木工程与建筑学,湖北武汉430070) [摘要]从塔式起重机整体抗倾覆稳定、塔基承台稳定、桩基稳定和桩自由端整体稳定4个方面对高承台塔式起重 机基础的穆定性进行了分析,并针对此类塔式起重机在武没万达广场项中的应用,通过理论分析和MDAS有限 元分析件模拟,得出风载等水平荷戴以及基悦底部土体的抗侧移力对高承台塔吊基础的稻定性具有决定性 作用,而基础承载力和坚沉降变形一般都能够满足要求. [芙键词]塔式起重机基础:深厚土:高承台雄:稳定性 [中分类号]TU61:TU433 [支献识码]A [支章编号]1002-8498(2010)09-0085-04 Analysis on Stability of Tower Crane Foundation with Elevated Pile Foundation in Deep Soft Soil Wang Hui' Guan Changsheng Li Peng2 Zhang Xi2 (1.China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co. Lid. Wuhan Hubei 430042 China: 2.Ciril Engineering Architecture School Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan Hubei 430070 China) Abstract:The stability of tower crane foundation with elevated pile foundation is analyzed by researching on anti-overturning stability of the whole tower crane stability of pile cap and pile and the overall stability of the free end of four piles in foundation with elevated pile foundation.Based on tower erane in Wanda Plaza projeet in Wuhan by theoretieal analysis and finite element analysis with MIDAS it indicates that wind loads and other horizontal loads as well as the anti-sway capability of bottom soil in foundation excavation play a decisive role in the stability of the foundation while foundation bearing capacity and vertical settlements deformation can generally meet the requirements. Key words:tower crane foundation:deep soft soil:elevated pile foundation:sta...
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