2016年7月上 施工技术 第45卷第13期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 67 D0I:10.7672/5js2016130067 深厚软土地区CM复合地基相互作用特性研究* 许少辉,张旭群1,袁炳祥2 (1.广州地铁设计研究院有限公司,广东广州510000;2.广东工业大学土木与交通工程学院,广东广州5100086) [摘要]通过ABAQUS有限元软件进行建模计算分析,研究了在含深厚软土地区,CM复合地基中C桩桩数和M桩 桩长的不同设置形式对该类型复合地基承载特性的影响.结果显示,在该典型地质条件下,桩桩数对地基沉降 量起控制作用,随着C桩桩数量的增加,C桩桩顶应力集中现象愈加明显,从而增大了C桩的荷载分担比例.随着 M桩桩长的增大,M桩桩土应力比及其荷载分担比例也随之提高,但影响程度较小,桩仍分担了较大比例的上部 荷载.此外,M桩的长度对地基沉降量的影响并不大.在进行工程设计时,桩的桩数可根据上部作用荷载的大 小及地基沉降要求进行合理布置,M桩桩长的选取需根据软土层厚度及地基附加应力场进行综合考虑. [关键词]地基:垃圾填埋场桩;深厚软土;CM复合地基;承载力;沉降 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2016)13-0067-05 Action Characteristic of CM Composite Foundation in Deep Soft Soil Area Xu Shaohui' Zhang Xuqun' Yuan Bingxiang (1.Guangzhou Metro Design and Research Institute Co.Ld.Guangzhou Guangdong 510000 China: 2.School of Civil and Transportation Engineering Guangdong University of Technology Guangzhou Guangdong 510006 China) Abstract:In this paper by using ABAQUS finite element analysis software for modeling analysis the role of the number of C-pile and the length of M-pile are studied in order to analyze their influence degree for CM posite foundation in the deep soft soil area.Results show that in this typical geological condition the number of C-pile is the most important factor for the settlement value of the CM posite foundation.With the of the number of C-pile increases the stress concentration phenomenon for the top of C-pile is mores obvious and it can increase the load sharing ratio of C-pile.With the length of M-pile incr...
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