施工技术 2010年11月 34 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第11期 深圳京基金融中心组合楼板滑移纠偏技术 陆建新,许航,刘晓斌 (中建钢构有限公司,广东深圳518057) [摘要]深圳京基金融中心宴会厅7层为组合楼板,由于原设计由无平面位移约束的盆式滑动支座承载,施工完成 后楼板发生滑移扭转.为了纠偏,现采用千斤顶同步顶升、滑移、扭转的施工方法,对组合楼板整体高空原位进行 校正,并采用有限元软件ANSYS建模并进行验算,从而确定施工中顶升高差数值,确保纠偏过程中无裂缝出现. 实践表明,此方法达到了预期效果且节约了成本. [关键词]组合楼板;同步;顶升;滑移;扭转;纠偏 [中图分类号]TU398.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)11-0034-03 Technology of Rectifying Deviation for Composite Slabs Slippage in Shenzhen Kingkey Financial Center Lu Jianxin Xu Hang Liu Xiaobin China Construction Steel Structure Company Shenzhen Guangdong 518057 China) Abstract:The slabs of Banquet hall seventh-story in Shenzhen Kingkey Financial Center are posite slabs.Because the loads are beared by basin-shaped sliding bearings which haven't plane displacement constraints in original design slabs slippage and torsion take place after the construction finished.Authors use the method of jacks lift-up slippage and torsion synchronously to rectify the deviation and correcting posite slabs'integral altitude in-situ.Through finite element software ANSYS and checked conclusion the data of height difference about lift-up are determined and there is no new crack appearing in the process of rectifying deviation.It shows that this method has a expected effect and saves cost. Key words:posite slab;synchronous;lift-up;slippage;torsion;reetifying deviation 1工程概况 7层楼板 7层楼板 深圳京基金融中心A B座之间宴会厅7层为钢 B座 梁-压型钢板-混凝土组合楼板,东西向跨度34m 南北 A座 向距离30m 总重约600t 如图1所示.原设计由西侧 A座 B座 a平面 b立面 5个钢牛腿、东侧9个钢筋混凝土牛腿及...