2016年3月上 施工技术 第45卷第5期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY D01:10.7672/sgjs2016050001 深圳平安金融中心大型动臂塔式起重机配置关键技术* 周予启,史媛,李彦贺 (中建一局集团建设发展有限公司,北京100102) [摘要]深圳平安金融中心主塔楼施工中,在核心筒墙外侧布置4台大型动臂塔式起重机,用于钢构件和其他材料 的垂直运输.详细介绍了塔式起重机选型布置,塔式起重机附着形式,塔式起重机爬升高度,能满足现场材料运输 需要,保证了施工顺利进行. [关键词]高层建筑;塔式起重机;动臂塔式起重机;垂直运输;爬升 [中图分类号]TH213.3 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2016)05-0001-03 The Distribution of Large Tower Crane with Movable Arm for Shenzhen Ping'an Financial Center Building Zhou Yuqi Shi Yuan Li Yanhe (China Construction First Division Group Construction Development Co. Lid.Beijing 100102 China) Abstract:Based on Shenzhen Ping'an Financial Center Building project four large tower cranes with movable arm are distributed on the outside of core tube wall which are used for vertical transportation of steel members and other materials.This paper introduces related contents of tower crane including selection and arrangement attachment form climbing height which can meet the requirement of field material transportation ensure smooth construction. Key words:tall buildings;tower cranes;tower cranes with movable arm;vertical transportation;climbing 1工程概况 深圳平安金融中心(Ping’an Financial Center PAFC)是以甲级写字楼为主的综合性大型超高层建 筑,总建筑面积460665m2 其中主塔楼118层,采用 L114~115 “巨型框架-核心筒-外伸臂”抗侧力体系,外框由8 L97~99 根巨型钢骨混凝土柱和巨型斜撑及7道环带桁架构 L81~83 成,核心筒为九宫格布局的内置钢骨劲性混凝土结 L65-67 构,内、外筒间通过4道伸臂桁架相连,如图1所示. L49~51 主塔楼超高,结构尺寸很大,外框巨柱截面尺 L25~27 寸最大达6.525m×3.2m 内置钢骨截面尺寸达 L10~11 5.5m×2.3m 钢板厚度最大达75mm 每延米重达 a平面 10t 如图2所示.另外,结构构件数量多、运输距离 长,对塔式起重机起重能力、运行速度均提出很高 b立面 要求. 图1深圳...
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