2015年4月下 施工技术 第44卷第8期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 17 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2015080017 深圳平安金融中心超厚Q460GJC钢材 全位置焊接技术* 陆建新,杨定国,王川,胡攀,霍宗诚,张贺 (中建钢构有限公司,广东深圳518040) [摘要]深圳平安金融中心伸臂桁架材质为高强度钢Q460GJC 节点焊缝厚度为120mm 节点采用全位置焊接,包 括平焊、立焊、仰焊,难度极大.对Q460GJC的材质和焊接特点进行了分析,根据不同的焊接位置选择焊接材料及 焊接工艺,总结出能满足施工现场进行Q460CJC超厚板全位置焊接的参数和方法. [关键词]高层建筑;高强度钢;焊接;工艺参数;力学性能 [中图分类号]TU758.162 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)08-0017-04 Super Thick Q460GJC All Position Welding Technology of Shenzhen Ping'an IFC Lu Jianxin Yang Dingguo Wang Chuan Hu Pan Huo Zongcheng Zhang He (China Construction Steel Structure Co.Lid.Shenzhen Guangdong 518040 China) Abstract:Q460GJC high-strength steel used in cantilevered truss of Shenzhen Ping'an IFC is 120mm thick and all position welding is applied to Q460GJC steel including downward welding vertical welding and overhead welding.Different welding position and large welding thickness makes it very difficult in welding.Through analysis of material and welding characteristic of Q460GJC steel different welding consumables and procedures are chosen according to different welding position and a set of welding parameter and welding methods fit the on-site all position welding of super thick Q460GJC steel is summarized. Key words:tall buildings;high strength steel;welding;process parameters;mechanical performance 1工程概况 平安金融中心位于深圳市福田中心区,是一幢 以甲级写字楼为主的综合型大型超高层建筑物,集 商业、观光娱乐、会议和交易等功能于一体.整体 为“巨型框架核心筒外伸臂”抗侧力体系,地下室 5层,地上塔楼118层,主体结构高度558.45m 塔 尖高度为660m.核心筒地下室5层至地上12层采 用钢板墙;12层以上为含劲性钢柱的剪力墙,118层 以上为塔冠钢结构及枪杆.外框由8根...
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