2010年4月 施工技术 第39卷第4期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 109 深圳机场T3航站楼幕墙CAD系统设计 胡振中1,王重力2,李国星2 (1.清华大学深圳研究生院,广东深圳518055;2.珠海市晶艺玻璃工程有限公司,广末深圳518040) [摘要]深圳机场3航站楼的幕墙造型采用了自由曲面上参数化造型的设计,建筑设计方使用空间三维坐标点的 方式给出了航站楼外表皮的单层单线模型.在进行施工图深化设计时,需根据该模型以及施工图设计过程中所需 的各种指导生产/安装的信息,对原数据进行相应的预处理,从面建立符合施工图要求的多层构造的三维模型,并 实现图纸输出.笔者开发了集预处理、自动建模、后处理等功能于一体的聚圳机场T3航站楼幕墙CAD系统(T3- CW-CAD) 旨在提高幕墙施工图设计工作的效率.详细讨论了该系统的需求、数据结构和核心算法. [关键词]深圳机场T3航站楼;计算机辅助设计;幕墙;三维建模 [中图分类号]TU201.4;TU248.6 [文献标识码]A【文章编号]1002-8498(2010)04-0109-04 A Computer Aided Design System for Curtain Wall Engineering of Shenzhen Airport Terminal 3 Hu Zhenzhong' Wang Zhongli2 Li Guoxing2 (1.Graduate School at Shenthen Tsinghua University Shenthen Guangdong 518055 China; 2.Zhuhai King Glass Engineering Co.Lad.Shenthen Guangdong 518040 China) Abstract:The facade of Shenzhen Airport Terminal 3 (T3)is a parametric shaping design based on free- form surface.Architect provides a single layer wireframe model for facade outer skin by listing related spacial point coordinates.During design development it's required for facade consultant to pretreat the raw data from architect in order to develop information of guidance for fabrication and construction and then rebuild a multi-layer 3D model with post-treatment besides drawing output.Thus based on the raw model and data a CAD system integrated pretreatment/auto-modeling/post-treatment for curtain wall engineering of T3 (T3-CW-CAD)is developed to increase the efficiency of drawing designing.The authors discuss the requ...
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