施工技术 2016年8月上 90 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第15期 D0I:10.7672/8js2016150090 深基坑止水帷幕TRD工法与SMW工法应用分析 管锦春 (龙信建设集团有限公司,江苏海门226100) [摘要]随着城市建设的发展,超大、超深基悦已越来越多,基变形的控制难度也随之加大,在围护结构的设计和 施工中,止水帷革的择是关键向题,同时也是影响周边环境变化的童要团素.结含天津仁恒海河广场综含楼项 日深基悦止水帷的应用,对深基统TRD工法和SMW工法进行对比分析,从而总结两种止水帷幕的施工工艺特 点和优点,取得了庭好的施工效果. [关键词]地下工程;深基悦;止水帷暴;TRD法;SMW工法;应用 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)15-0090-03 Application Analysis of TRD and SMW Methods for Deep Foundation Excavation Waterproof Curtain Guan Jinchun Longxin Construction Group Co.Lad.Haimen Jiangsu 226100 China) Abstract:With the development of city construction the super large and deep foundation excavation has been more and more and it increases the difficulty of controlling deformation of foundation excavation.In the design and construction of retaining structure choice of waterproof curtain is key problem and is also the important factor that affeets the changes in the surrounding environment.Combined with application of deep foundation excavation waterproof curtain of Tianjin Renheng Haihe Plaza the TRD method and SMW method are contrasted and analyzed to sum up the construction characteristics and advantages of two kinds of waterproof curtain which achieves good effect. Key words:underground;deep foundation excavation;waterproof curtain;TRD method;SMW method; application 1工程概况 的不同分为11个工程地质层,34个工程地质亚层. 仁恒海河广场综合桂项目位于天津市南开区,本工程开挖范围内主要是杂镇土、黏土、粉质黏土、 该工程为框架-核心筒结构,板基础,整体地下4粉土. 展,整个地块呈L形,基开挖深度约21m 局部电 本工程周边环境复杂,地下管线较多;场地东 梯井和集水悦处开挖深度达约24m.基周边长度侧...
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