施工技术 2013年9月上 54 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第17期 D01:10.7672/8gj82013170054 深层大倾斜岩面钻孔灌注桩施工技术 陈景辉 (广东省六建集团有限公司,广东佛山528000) [摘要]结合佛山市高明君御海城国际酒店工程钻孔灌注桩施工,详细介绍了深层大倾斜岩面的处理原理,总结了 钻孔灌注桩施工方法,包括工艺流程,即发现偏孔,测量孔底倾斜岩面高低端的位置,钻引燥孔,爆破,抛填块石和 黏土,重新校核钻机及纠偏钻孔,清孔,钢筋笼制作安放,水下混凝土浇筑;最后介绍了成柱检测内容. 【关键词]地下工程:桩;钻孔灌注桩;倾斜岩面;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU753.3 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2013)17-0054-02 Construction Technology of Bored Piles for Deep and Large Inclined Rock Surface Chen Jinghui Guangdong No.6 Construction Group Co.Lad. Foshan Guangdong 528000 China) Abstract:Based on bored pile construction of Gaomingjun Yuhaicheng International Hotel engineering in Foshan the author introduces treatment principle of deep and large inclined rock surface summarizes construction method of bored pile.The construction process is finding deflection hole measuring the position of high and low end of inclined rock surface at the bottom of hole drilling detonation hole blasting throwing and filling rubble and clay anew checking drilling rig and rectification for drilling hole hole cleaning making and setting reinforcement cage and underwater concrete pouring.Finally the author introduces pile inspection. Key words:underground;piles;bored piles;inclined rock surface;construction 1工程概况 角砾,厚7.80~20.10m;粉土,厚2.00~16.00m;粗 佛山市高明君御海城国际酒店工程位于高明 砂,厚3.70~29.50m;角砾,厚2.00~20.90m;粉质 区沿江路西侧.建筑面积约72000m2 拟建1栋3黏土,厚2.40~8.40m;中风化石灰岩,厚0.70~ ~28层酒店.工程采用C30钻(冲)孔灌注桩,持力 15.90m.场地钻探深度范围内揭露到岩溶、土洞等 层为中风化石灰岩层,桩端进入持力层≥1.5D(D 不良地质现象,溶洞厚0.70~7.90m 基底属于不稳 为桩径)...
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