施工技术 2013年4月下 88 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第8期 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2013080088 深水无覆盖层地层钢护筒沉放关键技术 游斌1,李维洲2 (1.中交第二航务工程局,湖北武汉430040;2.长安大学公路学院,陕西西安710064) [摘要]钢护筒施工是水上桩基施工的一个重要组成部分,也是影响桩基质量因素之一.广东佛山西樵大桥斜拉 桥主桥墩柱基施工难点是水深、流速大、无覆盖层.因此钢护筒沉放质量控制直接影响到桩基成桩的质量.针对 该水域的特点,主要介绍在钢护筒施工过程中出现的问题以及相关的应对措施,包括:钢护筒底口补强、钢护简对 接、钢护筒导向架定位、钢护简漏浆处理等. [关键词]桥梁工程;无覆盖层;钢护筒;沉放;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU753.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)08-0088-02 Key Technology of Sinking Steel Protective Sleeves in Deep-water Areas You Bin' Li Weizhou? (1.CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Company Ltd. Wuhan Hubei 430040 China; 2.Highway College Chang'an University Xi'an Shaanxi 710064 China) Abstract:Construction of steel protective sleeves is important in pile foundation construction and it is also one of the factors that affect pile foundation quality.Construction of the pile foundation for Xiqiao Bridge in Foshuan Guangdong is featured with difficulties of deep water high flow speed and the absence of overburden layer.Therefore the quality of sinking the steel protective sleeve directly affects the quality of pile foundation.Taking into account the characteristics of the waters this paper introduces problems and relevant countermeasures during the construction of the steel protective sleeves including strengthening of the bottom of the steel casings connection of the steel casings positioning of the guide frame leakage treatment for the steel casting etc. Key words:bridges;without overburden layer;steel casting;sinking;construction 1工程概...
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