2014年10月上 施工技术 第43卷第19期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 57 D0I:10.7672/5gjs2014190057 深水逆作法钢板桩围堰设计与施工* 安关峰,刘添俊,张洪彬 (广州市市政集团有限公司,广东广州510060) [摘要]顺作法钢板桩围堰在目前的水利及路桥建设工程中使用较多.结合工程实践提出了深水逆作法钢板柱围 堰综合成套技术,一定程度上解决了常规的顺作法钢板桩适用的水深较浅、围堰变形大、整体稳定性偏低、施工风 险相对较高的缺点.详细介绍逆作法钢板桩围堰的设计、构造、分析以及施工工艺,并对实际工程施工过程中钢板 桩围堰的受力及变形情况进行了监测.结果表明,该技术较好地满足了工程的经济性和安全性的要求. [关键词]围堰;钢板柱;逆作法;设计;有限元分析;施工 [中图分类号]TU47 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)19-0057-04 Design and Construction of Steel Sheet Pile Cofferdam with Inverse Method in Deep Water An Guanfeng Liu Tianjun Zhang Hongbin Guangzhou Municipal Engineering Group Guangzhou Guangdong 510060 China) Abstract:The method of steel sheet pile cofferdam with sequential construction is broadly applied in many projects of road bridge and hydraulic engineering.Comprehensive technology of steel sheet pile cofferdam with inverse construction technique in deep water is proposed which could be used to conquer weaknesses of steel sheet pile cofferdam with sequential construction such as large deformation low global stability high construction risk and restricted water depth.Design analysis and construction of steel sheet pile cofferdam with conversable construction technique in deep water are given in detail deformation and force situation of steel sheet pile cofferdam in the construction progress is monitored.The technique could preferably satisfy the requirement of safety and economy in engineering construction. Key words:cofferdams;steel sheet piles;inverse method;design;finite elem...
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