施工技术 2014年3月下 8 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第6期 D01:10.7672/sgjs2014060008 砂卵石地层大直径后压浆钻孔灌注桩施工技术 郭金武,李哲琳,王勇,倪晓荣 (中国新兴建设开发总公司,北京100039) [摘要]人民日报社报刊综合业务楼项目主楼采用后压浆钻孔灌注桩抗压桩,副楼及纯地下车库部分采用筏板基 础,对部分抗浮不足部位采用后压浆钻孔灌注桩抗拔桩.介绍了该项目工程桩设计参数及施工技术要点,水下混 凝土的浇筑技术要点、工程柱桩端后压浆施工技术,最后对单桩进行静载试验.数据充分证明,针对该工程采取的 深基础工程桩施工工艺及各项控制措施合理有效,取得了预期目标,满足工程各项技术要求,效果良好. [关键词]地下工程;桩基础;砂卵石地层;灌注 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)06-0008-04 Large-diameter Bored Piles Construction at Sand and Gravel Stratum Guo Jinwu Li Zhelin Wang Yong Ni Xiaorong China Xinxing Construction Derelopment General Co.Beijing 100039 China) Abstract:The bored pression piles construction post grouting under pile)has been conducted in the main building construction of the People's Daily project.Due to the requirement of anti-floating the bored piles construction has also been conducted under some parts of the raft foundation of the skirt building.This paper introduces the essential parameters of pile design and construction the key points of underwater concrete pouring and the technology of post grouting under pile.Finally the result of static loading tests of every pile states that the goal has been achieved and requirements have been met and work well. Key words:underground;piles;sand and gravel stratum;grouting 0引言 层地下室,各建筑部位基础均置于同一基础底板 随着城市建筑物高度不断增加,基础荷载不断 上,并在地下相互连通.主塔楼采用后压浆钢筋混 加大,为增加地基承载力和建筑稳定性,基础桩应 凝土灌注桩. 用越来越广泛,对于超高建筑往往采用大直径、较 主塔楼抗压桩桩身混凝土强度等级为C45 长钢筋混凝土灌注桩,部分基础桩甚至采用桩端、1000mm 桩长26m 桩端持力层为⑧层卵石层,进 桩侧后压浆的形式来提高桩身承载力,基础桩的质 入持力层≥1...
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