施工技术 2012年7月下 128 CONSTRUCTIONTECHNOLOGY 第41卷第369期 *! 科威特中央银行总部大楼钢结构 工程设计与施工 吴天河,罗兴隆,隋炳强,潘斯勇,尹洪冰,杨健 (上海宝冶集团有限公司,上海201908) [摘要]科威特中央银行总部大楼(Central bankof Kuwait newheadquarters building,简称CBK)为非规则钢筋混凝土 核心箭与外侧钢框架组合面成的超高层混合体系结构。
介绍了钢结构设计过程中对初步设计的一些合理补充和 修改,通过计算证实了斜肋柱X节点的设计能够满足承载力要求,根据美国规范ASCE7一05的规定和风润试验报 告确定了本工程的风荷载取值。
应用有限元分析软件ETABS,对不同施工方案的施工过程进行了模拟分析,以了 解不同施工方案中结构构件的应力变形在施工全过程中的发展变化情况,通过比较选择较为合理的施工方案,从 面确保复杂超高层建筑结构在施工过程中的安全。
[关键词]高层建筑;钢结构;混合结构:X节点;风洞试验;施工分析 [中图分类号】TU758 [文献标识码】A [文章编号】1002-8498(2012)14-0128-03 SteelStructuralDesign and Construction ofCentralBank ofKuwait New Headquarters Building (Shanghai Bcoye Group Co. , Lad. , Shanghai 201908, China) Abstract;Central bank of Kuwait new headquarters building ( CBK) is a ultra-high-rise steel frame- irregular reinforced conerete core hybrid structure. Some reasonable additional design and modification for preliminary design is described during the process of steel structure design. The analysis demonstrates inclined column X-type node can be designed to meet bearing capacity requirements. Wind load value of CBK is chosen according to the American standard ASCE7-05 and wind tunnel test reports. In order to check the deformation and stress of the structural members throughout the construction process, simulation analysis of construction process in different construction schemes was studied by finite element analysis software ETABS. The more reasonable construction scheme is selected by parison, which is applied to ensure the construction safety during the construction process of plex super high-rise building. Key words;tall buildings; steel structures; hybrid strueture; X-type joint; wind tunnel test; construction analysis 1工程概况 心筒与外侧钢框架组合而成的混合体系超高层结 科威特中央银行总部大楼(简称CBK)工程位 构,整个建筑结构由底部的L形随着高度增高逐渐 于科威特的政治金融中心科威特市,其西北方向约 向等边直角三角形过渡,两直角边为钢筋混凝土剪 500m即为科威特的王宫所在地。
此工程由塔楼及 力墙,斜边采用逐渐内收的斜向交叉巨型钢管混凝 裙房两部分组成,塔楼地下3层,地上含夹层共42 土肋柱形成斜交网格,斜肋柱双向倾斜,并通过短 层,总建筑高度238.475m,总建筑面积68771m²,结 梁与楼层边梁的腹板连接,楼层荷载通过边梁将力 构总用钢量约为11000多t,其总体建筑效果及结...