2013年3月下 施工技术 第42卷第6期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 115 D0I:10.7672/8gjs2013060115 科威特中央银行新总部大楼清水实心砌体施工技术* 曲新钢,王力尚,吴慎金,纪涛 (中建中东有限责任公司) [摘要]科威特中央银行新总部大楼高约239M 由主楼、裙楼和人防工程组成.部分区域采用清水砖墙作为围护 结构.详细介绍了清水砖墙的施工过程及质量控制措施,包括砂浆的配合比设计、灰缝的饱满度以及节点设计. 同时,清水砌体砌筑过程中还涉及与其他专业协调工作.通过加强施工过程管理,保证了清水砌体的顺利施工. [关键词]高层建筑;清水砌体;配合比;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU754.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)06-0115-03 Construction of Exposed Solid Block Wall in the New Headquarters Office Building of Central Bank of Kuwait Qu Xin'gang Wang Lishang Wu Shenjin Ji Tao China State Construction Engineering Corporation Middle East L.L.C.) Abstract:The new headquarters office building for Central Bank of Kuwait is about 239m high consisting of office tower podium and shelter.Part of the building uses fair-faced brick wall as the enclosure structure.This paper introduces in detail the construction procedure and quality control measures for the fair-faced brick wall including mix proportion design of mortar richness of mortar seam and joint design.Wall construction involves coordination with other disciplines.By strengthening construction process management the construction of the fair-faced brick wall is pleted successfully. Key words:tall buildings;fair-faced brick wall;mix proportion;construction 1应用简介 steel truss(钢筋桁架),angle steel(角钢),backup 中东科威特中央银行项目清水砖墙的价值得 rod(塑胶棒),tie beam(系梁),lintel beam(过梁) 到了延伸.地下室的设备用房、停车场的配电室和 等,这些辅材的功能和材质如表1所示,可以很好地 储藏室、塔楼的电梯厅和办公区,清水砖墙恰到好 保证砖墙的强度和稳定性. 处的体现,成为了项目的装修一景. 在该项目中,砖墙都是非承重墙,包括混水墙、 清水砌体有其独特的美感:标准砌块材质...