2017年8月下 施工技术 第46卷第16期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 129 D0I:10.7672/8js2017160129 秸秆造孔剂对页岩烧结微孔砖工艺性能的影响研究* 陈梦婷,陈国平,石建军,张衡 (西南科技大学土木工程与建筑学院,四川绵阳621010) [摘要]以页岩和秸秆造孔剂作为原材料,探究不同掺量、不同粒径范围的秸秆造孔剂对页岩烧结微孔砖在抗压强 度、体积密度、吸水率、显气孔率等方面的影响规律.试验结果表明:随着秸秆粉末擦量的增多和粒径的增大,试件 标准稠度用水量增多,抗压强度降低和体积密度降低,显气孔率升高.通过控制秸秆粉末的量和粒径,能有效地 改善页岩烧结砖的各项性能. [关键词]页岩烧结微孔砖;秸秆造孔剂;工艺性能:影响研究:绿色施工 [中图分类号]TU522.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2017)16-0129-04 Effect of Straw Pore Forming Agent on Technological Properties of Sintering Shale Microporous Brick CHEN Mengting CHEN Guoping SHI Jianjun ZHANG Heng School of Civil Engineering and Architecture Southwest Unirersity of Science and Technology Mianyang Sichuan 621010 China) Abstract:This paper takes the shale and straw as raw materials to explore the influence regularities of the straw pore forming agent with different content and different particle size in pressive strength the bulk density water absorption and apparent porosity of shale sintered microporous materials.The test results show that along with the content and particle size of straw powder increases the pressive strength and bulk density decreases and water absorption and apparent porosity increases.It can effectively improve the various properties of sintered shale brick by controlling the content and particle size of straw powder. Key words:sintering shale microporous brick;straw pore forming agent;performance;effects; green construction 0引言 造孔剂对页岩烧结微孔砖工艺性能的变化规律,为 随着现代工业的日新月异,人类赖以生存的土进一步的研究和应用提供参考依据. 地资源正在不断加速消耗,...