2016年4月下 施工技术 第45卷第8期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 81 D0I:10.7672/8js2016080081 空间梭形钢管-拉杆混合桁架施工关键技术 徐坤,高勇刚,孟祥冲,贺印,赵楠,彭磊,高成子 (中建钢构有限公司,四川成都610041) [摘要]空间梭形钢管拉杆混合桁架以梭形管桁架为主要受力体系,辅以预应力钢拉杆斜腹杆作为梭形桁架的稳 定体系.结合中国西部国际博览城(一期)项目,基于桁架特点,经过方案对比分析,采用地面整立拼、2台履带 式起重机抬吊就位的施工工艺.重点介绍了梭形桁架拼装、钢拉杆施工、梭形桁架吊装等施工关键技术,通过应力 监测以及有限元分析,证明结果满足要求. [关键词]钢结构;桁架;梭形桁架;钢拉杆;吊装;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU758 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)08-0081-05 The Key Construction Technology of Space Shuttle Steel Tube and Tensioning Rod Composite Truss Xu Kun Gao Yonggang Meng Xiangchong He Yin Zhao Nan Peng Lei Gao Chengzi China Construction Steel Structure Co.Ltd.Chengdu Sichuan 610041 China) Abstract:The space shuttle steel tube and tensioning rod posite truss takes shuttle tube truss as main force system supplemented by the prestressed steel rod as stable system.Combined with China Western International Exhibition City (the first phase project based on the characteristics of the truss after paring analysis of the schemes the construction technology of integral assembly on site and two crawler cranes hoisting in place was used.The shuttle truss assembly steel tensioning rod construction the shuttle truss hoisting construction technologies were introduced in detail.Through stress monitoring and finite element analysis it proved the results could meet the requirements. Key words:steel structures;trusses;shuttle truss;steel tensioning rod;hoisting;construction 0引言 个展厅和1个多功能厅.建成后将成为中国西部最 梭形结构外形呈流线型,富于建筑表现力,且 大的展览中心,并作为中国西部国际博览会永久会 与梁弯矩图...
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