施工技术 2012年9月下 102 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第373期 紧邻深基坑施工的风险分析及三维数值模拟 李松",杨小平,刘庭金²,黄俊光” (1.华南理工大学土木与交通学院,广东广州510640;2.华南理工大学亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室, 广东广州510640;3.广州市设计院,广东广州510620) 【摘要】通过结合两紧邻深基坑项目的工程地质条件及基坑支护结构设计特点,进行了基于现行设计方案的风险 分析。
并结合数值分析手段,模拟了紧邻深基坑工序交错施工、角撑区域有无新增锚索及坑间局部带状软弱层加 固与不加固对深基坑围护桩水平位移的影响。
结果表明:施工进度是影响基坑围护桩水平位移的重要因素;角撑 区域新增锚索及坑间局部带状软弱层的加固均可有效减小基坑围护桩的水平位移。
最后提出了经济、有效的安全 保护措施,为两紧邻深基坑的设计与施工提供依据。
[关键词]深基坑;施工;风险分析;有限元模拟 [中图分类号]TU45 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)18-0102-04 Risk Analysisand3DNumerical Simulation on Construction ofNeighboringDeepFoundationExcavations Li Song', Yang Xiaoping',Liu Tingjin², Huang Junguang” (1.Schoolof Civil Engineeing andTransportation,South China Unisersity of Technology,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510640,China; 2.StateKey Laboratory of SubtropicalArchiectureScience,South China Uniersity of Technology, Guangzhou,Guangdong 510640,China;3.Guangzhou Design Instiute,Cuangzhou,Cuangdong510620,China) Abstract;Risk analysis is made based on current design scheme by bining with the engineering geological condition and design characteristics of support structure of neighboring deep foundation excavations. The horizontal displacements of retaining piles of the two deep foundation excavation is paratively simulated under the influence of staggered construction process in neighboring deep foundation excavations,setting newanchorin corner brace area andreinforcing localzones soflayer between the two foundation excavations. The results indicate that construction schedule is an important factor which influences horizontal displacement of retaining pile of foundation excavation; new anchor in corner brace area and the reinforcement of local zonal soft layer between the foundation excavations can reduce horizontal dislacement of retaining pilesefectively.Eventually,some economical andeffctive security protection measures have been put forward to provide the basis for design and construction of neighboring deep foundation excavations. Key words:deep foundat...