2016年1月下 施工技术 第45卷第2期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 35 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2016020035 绍兴体育中心体育馆大跨度肋环型索网 杂交结构张拉方法比选 赵文雁,娄峰,覃祚威 (浙江精工钢结构集团有限公司,浙江绍兴312030) [摘要]绍兴体育中心体育馆钢结构屋盖由肋环型网壳和肋环型索网组成,其索网的曲率基本与网壳曲率相同,环 向索与径向索的相互影响很小,拉索均需张拉.为此基于ANSYS平台开发了张拉过程参数化分析模块,实现 了张拉方案的参数化对比.在结构的受力和类似结构施工的基础上提出了3种可行的张拉方法,并且得出相对合 理的张拉方案及其计算结果.通过优化下部索网节点及设计相应的构造保证措施,张拉点位由126处调整为78 处,大大减化了预应力施工的工序、缩短了张拉周期. [关键词]体育馆;钢结构;屋盖;网壳;张拉;方案比选 [中图分类号]TU758.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)02-0035-05 Tensioning Scheme Comparison for Large-span Hybrid Spatial Structure Based on Single-layer Lattice Shell and Cable Net System of Shaoxing Sports Center Gymnasium Zhao Wenyan Lou Feng Qin Zuowei (Zhejiang Jinggong Steel Building Group Co.Ltd.Shaoxing Zhejiang 312030 China) Abstract:The steel roof of Shaoxing Sports Center Gymnasium is posed of single-layer lattice shell and cable net system which is the same as radius of curvature.According to related analysis the whole cables are tensioned for little influence between radical and latitude cable.The parameterized analysis module base on ANSYS platform was developed to pare parametric for tension construction process schemes.On the basis of the stress and the construction of the similar structure three feasible methods were put forward and relatively reasonable tensioning schemes and calculation results were gotten.The tension points were decreased from 126 to 78 through optimizing the joint of net cable and designing corresponding tension measures as a result it reduced the ...
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