2012年1月下 施工技术 第41卷第357期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 25 经脉幕墙异形钢骨架结构关键施工技术及应用 朱学佳,张赤宇2,吴军2,林俊2 (1、河海大学土木与交通学院,江苏南京210098;2.南通四建集团有限责任公司,江苏南通226300) [摘要]经脉幕墙作为一种最新应用的金属幕墙形式,体现了泰州医药城会展中心人体细胞造型的建筑设计理念, 其钢骨架结构具有结构复杂、内力不均衡、施工难度大等技术难题.应用创新施工手段对经脉幕墙钢骨架结构的 制作和安装进行控制实施,严格控制施工流程以及下料、测量、吊装和防腐等关键质量控制点,有效地保证了工程 的顺利实施,取得了良好的经济效益和综合效益. [关键词]幕墙;钢骨架;组装;顺序法;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU758.15 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)02-0025-03 Key Construction Technology and Application of Abnormal Steel Skeleton Structure for Meridian Curtain Wall Zhu Xuejia' Zhang Chiyu? Wu Jun2 Lin Jun2 (1.College of Civil and Transportation Engineering Hohai Unicersity Nanjing Jiangsu 210098 China; 2.Nantong No.4 Construction Group Co.Lid.Nantong Jiangsu 226300 China) Abstract:As a new application of metal curtain wall form mcridian curtain wall reflects medical human cells formative architectural design idea of Taizhou City Exhibition Center.The steel skeleton has characteristics of plex structure disequilibrium intemal force and difficult construction.The production and installation of meridians curtain wall is scientifically controlled by the innovation of the construction method.Construction process materials measurement hoisting and corrosion are strictly controlled to effectively ensure the successful construction and good economic and prehensive benefits are achieved. Key words:curtain walls;steel skeletons;assembly;sequence method;construction 1工程概况 泰州医药城会展中心位于江苏省泰州市经济 技术开发区,其主要工程难度与技术创新是异形铝 板幕墙经脉钢结构制作与安装,第一展区、休息区 及服务区钢结构,均...