施工技术 2015年2月下 102 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第4期 D0I:10.7672/5js2015040102 结构装饰保温一体化预制外墙板制造关键技术 杨思忠1,任成传,齐博磊1,武卫平2 (1.北京市燕通建筑构件有限公司,北京102202;2.北京市远通水泥制品有限公司,北京102202) [摘要]结合北京市公租房工程建设,从结构装饰保温一体化外墙板的结构特点出发,对灌浆套筒精确定位、内外 叶墙拉接件选用、保温层选用、装饰面外叶墙施工以及吊装预埋件等施工中容易出现的质量问题进行了详细分析, 提出了针对性解决措施,取得了良好成效. [关键词]预制装配式;结构装饰保温一体化;复合保温外墙板;制造;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU756 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2015)04-0102-05 Key Technology of the Prefabricated External Integrated Wall-panels with Decoration and Insulation Yang Sizhong' Ren Chengchuan' Qi Bolei' Wu Weiping2 (1.Beijing Yantong Precast Concrete Co. Ltd.Beijing 102202 China; 2.Beijing Yuantong Cement Products Co. Ltd.Beijing 102202 China) Abstract:Based on the realistic need of construction project of public housing in Beijing the structure characteristics of external integrated wall-panels with decoration and insulation are fully considered. Quality problems easily occurring in the construction including the precise positioning of filling sleeve the choice of the connected ponents of internal and external wall the choice of insulation layer the construction of outer wall with decorative surface and hoisting embedded parts and so on are analyzed in detail.The corresponding solutions have been proposed and the good results have been achieved. Key words:precast;integration of decoration and insulation;posite insulation external wall; production;construction 用于装配式剪力墙住宅体系的“结构装饰保温 套筒钢筋 一体化预制外墙板(复合保温外墙板)”绝大多数由 外叶墙一 保温层 内叶墙 3层组成,即内部的结构受力层(内叶墙)、起装饰保 拉接件 护作用的面层(外...