2013年11月下 施工技术 第42卷第22期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 11 D0I:10.7672/sgjs20132200110011 绿色办公建筑绿色建筑技术执行情况调研分析* 李芳艳,马素贞 (中国建筑科学研究院上海分院,上海200023) [摘要]近5年来,绿色建筑得到快速发展,绿色建筑设计标识项目逐渐开始投人使用.为了解绿色建筑的实施和 运行效果,采用实地调研、现场访问、资料收集、专项检测和统计分析的方法,对5个已运行的绿色办公项目绿色技 术设计和运行情况进行了分析,发现一些绿色建筑技术运行效果不佳.基于存在的问题,分析其中的原因,并提出 相应的解决方案和建议. [关键词]绿色建筑;办公建筑;建筑技术;节能 [中图分类号]TU201.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)22-0011-03 Analysis for Implementation of Green Building Technologies in Office Building Li Fangyan Ma Suzhen Shanghai Branch China Academy of Building Research Shanghai 200023 China) Abstract:Green buildings have been rapidly developed in the past five years more and more green buildings were gradually put into use.In order to understand the implementation and operation effects of green buildings effective research is carried out by the research group with the methods of site investigation data collection detection and statistical analysis.The parative analysis of green building technologies is implemented between design situation and operation situation.It is found that the effect of some green building technologies are poor therefore the reasons for the problems in green building operation are found and methods to solve the problem are put forward. Key words:green buildings;office buildings;building technology;energy-saving 0引言 目比例不到6%.这个比例引发了一连串的问题: 近年来,我国绿色建筑发展迅速,截至2012年运行标识项目如此少的原因是绿色建筑技术未完 底,全国已有800多个项目获得绿色建筑评价标识.全落实,还是绿色建筑运行存在问题尚不确定.基 政府部门对绿色建筑发展也给予高度重视,2012年 于这些问题,笔者进行了深入的调研分析,本文选 4月27日中华人民共和国财政部和住房和...
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