施工技术 2014年8月下 78 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第16期 D0I:10.7672/sjs2014160078 绿色建筑模拟计算的标准化探讨* 白洪坤,田慧峰 (中国建筑科学研究院上海分院,上海200023) [摘要]在绿色建筑的设计、认证过程中,模拟计算是优化设计方案的重要手段之一.然而,目前国内绿色建筑相 关模拟计算存在不规范性,依据《绿色建筑评价标准》GB/T50378一2006对绿色建筑相关模拟计算进行了统计,对 建筑能耗模拟、室内外风环境模拟、室内采光模拟等进行了标准化实现的探讨,尽快编制绿色建筑模拟计算导则非 常必要.因为,导则的制定不仅能够有效规范各类模拟计算的可对比性,同时能够促进我国绿色建筑的可持续 发展. [关键词]绿色建筑:能耗模拟;计算流体力学;建筑采光:模拟;标准化 [中图分类号]TU201.6 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)16-0078-03 Standardization of Green Building Simulation Calculations Bai Hongkun Tian Huifeng (China Academy of Science Research Shanghai Institute Shanghai 200023 China) Abstract:In the process of green building design and certification simulation is one of the important means of optimization design.However the current domestic green building related simulation calculation is not normative.On the basis of Evaluation standard for green building GB/T50378-2006 the statistical calculations was done.This article discussed building energy simulation indoor and outdoor air environment simulation indoor lighting simulations etc.To achieve standardization preparation of green building simulation guideline as soon as possible is very necessary.Because formulating the guide not only can effectively regulate various parative simulation calculation but also can promote the sustainable development of green building in China. Key words:green buildings;energy simulation;putational fluid dynamics;architectural daylighting: simulation:standardization 1绿色建筑涉及的模拟计算统计 《绿色建筑评价标准》GB...
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