2015年8月上 施工技术 第44卷第15期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 97 D0I:10.7672/8js2015150097 考虑空间结构随机特征并基于重要性系数 的传感器优化布置方法* 屈兴涛1,丛茂林2 (1.远洋国际建设有限公司,北京100020:2.中国建筑科学研究院建筑结构研究所,北京100013) [摘要]目前的结构传感器优化布置方法主要以模态分析理论为基础,对重要构件损伤的直接监测考虑不足.以 结构的易损性理论为基础,研究空间结构的不同小损伤工况对整体结构的影响,根据广义等效刚度的概念计算各 杆件的重要性系数,以确定易损路径和重要杆件.在同时考虑实际空间结构参数随机性和荷载随机性的情况下, 建立大量随机样本并计算各样本相对应的最易损路径,统计最易损路径上的重要杆件,从而确定传感器布设 位置.将该方法拓展到随机振动分析中,对于每一动力时程,通过选取适当的计算间隔,提取动力过程中结构的时 变响应,从而获得空间结构的动力过程中的重要杆件及动力传感器布置方案.通过算例验证了该传感器布置方法 能有效监测空间结构在实际工况中的薄弱环节,及时识别结构的重要损伤. [关键词]空间结构;易损性;重要性系数;传感器;优化布置 [中图分类号]TU311.3:TU317.1 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2015)15-0097-05 Optimal Sensor Placement for Space Structure Considering Randomness Based on Important Factors Qu Xingtao' Cong Maolin2 (1.Ocean Construction International Corporation Beijing 100020 China; 2.Institute of Building Structures China Academy of Building Research Beijing 100013 China) Abstract:The current methods of optimal sensor placement are major presented based on modal analysis theory with less consideration about the monitoring of the damage of ponents.The effect of different minor damage cases on the total space structure is studied based on vulnerability theory in structural analysis.The important factor of ponents is calculating according to the concept of generalized equivalent stiffness to sort out fragile ponents.For numerical simulation the random character both for structural parameters and loads is considered and the random samples are established.The fragility failure p...