施工技术 2016年6月上 102 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第11期 D0I:10.7672/8js2016110102 良态风作用下索膜结构风压特性现场实测研究* 李兆杨1,杨彬,张其林,钱基宏2 (1.同济大学土木工程学院,上海200092;2.中国建筑科学研究院,北京100013) [摘要]采用超声风速仪和风压传感器对良态风下的上海世博会世博轴索膜结构的风场及风压进行现场实测,对 结构所处风场特性及膜结构表面风压特性进行研究.研究结果表明:三方向脉动风速均基本符合高斯分布;湍流 度及阵风因子与平均风速基本符合对数型函数关系,随着平均风速的增大而减小;湍流积分尺度随平均风速的增 大而增大;实测风速谱低频段和中频段实测谱与Simiu谱较为接近;风压概率密度分布有一定的非高斯性;与顺风 向脉动风速功率谱相比,各测点脉动风压低频段功率谱密度相近,中频、高频段功率谱密度有一定差别;随着平均 风速的增大,风压系数的离散性逐渐减小,风速较小时风压系数偏大;得到352.4°风向角下风压系数与体型系数. [关键词]索网结构;现场实测;良态风;风场;风压特性 [中图分类号]TU399 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)11-0102-06 Field Measurement Research on Wind Pressure Characteristics of a Cable-membrane Structure During Normal Wind Li Zhaoyang' Yang Bin' Zhang Qilin' Qian Jihong (1.College of Civil Engineering Tongii University Shanghai 200092 China; 2.China Academy of Building Research Beijing 100013 China) Abstract:Filed measurement of wind field and wind pressure of Expo Axis cable-membrane structure in Shanghai World Expo during normal wind was carried out by using ultrasonic anemometers and air pressure sensors.The wind characteristics around the structure and wind pressure characteristics on the surfaces of membrane structure were analyzed.It is shown that the probability density distribution of fluctuating wind follows a Gaussian distribution;turbulence intensity and gust factor follow a logarithmic relationship with mean wind speed and they decrease with the increase of mean wind speed;turbulence integral scale increases with the increase of mean wi...