2016年11月下 施工技术 第45卷第22期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 91 D0I:10.7672/5j52016220091 路基分层勘探应力波分析研究* 张宇辉 (中国民航大学机场工程科研基地,天津300300) [摘要]传统路基物探勘察主要依靠钻孔取样,对所得试样进行分析,确定地下土层的状态及具体深度.但对地质 较复杂的多山地区或需要钻孔深度较深的条件下,钻孔取样成本昂贵,且经常因农田或其他限制原因,无法实现钻 探等破坏性勘探工作.有鉴于此,利用应力波测试的便捷手段,结合面波、地震映像等不同测试方法,对路基下部 土层具体分层情况开展研究,确定具体分层深度及固定深度范围内土体特性,并将测试数据与钻探结果进行对比 分析,验证应力波无损测试方法的可行性. [关键词]路基:勘探;应力波:钻探受限;无损测试 [中图分类号]TU195 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)22-0091-04 Study on Stress Wave Analysis of the Subgrade Layered Exploration Zhang Yuhui Base of Airport Engineering Ciril Aviation University of China Tianjin 300300 China) Abstract:The traditional method of subgrade geophysical prospecting and exploring was drilling and sampling test.By analyzing the test sample the state and depth of underground soil layer were confirmed. But the cost of traditional method was expensive in plex geological and mountainous area which needs deeper drilling hole.Besides the destructive exploration job was often forbidden for the reason of farmland or other restrictive conditions.For this reason the convenient stress wave test measures were adopted the methods of surface wave test and image test were bined to study the state of subgrade soil layers.Then the depth of soil layers and the soil characteristics in fixed depth range were confirmed.The stress wave test data were paratively analyzed with the drilling test results.The feasibility of nondestructive stress wave test was verified.The cost of soil layers exploration will be co...