施工技术 2015年10月上 56 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第19期 D0I:10.7672/8js2015190056 软土基坑坑角效应的三维有限元分析 尹盛斌1 2 (1.深圳市城市空间规划建筑设计有限公司上海分公司,上海200122;2.天津大学建筑工程学院,天津300072) [摘要]通过对三维与平面应变状态下无支撑及多道支撑的基坑开挖模拟,对基坑的坑角效应进行较为深人的研 究,包括考虑几何尺寸对基坑角部效应的影响,具体表现为对墙体变形及坑外土体位移的影响.当基坑开挖宽度 较大时,相邻墙体的作用较强,基坑角部效应范围较大,约为5~7倍开挖深度,此时应考虑凸出现象的影响,同时 坑外土体相应位置也将产生较大位移. [关键词]软土;基坑;坑角效应;有限元分析 [中图分类号]TU443 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)19-0056-03 3D Finite Element Analysis of the Corner-effect of Foundation Excavation in Soft-soil Area Yin Shengbin (1.Shenzhen Urbanspace Planning Architectural Design Group(Shanghai) Shanghai 200122 China; 2.School of Civil Engineering Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China) Abstract:Based on the simulation of the three-dimension and plane strain condition excavations with non-support and multi-support the corner effect of the foundation excavation is conducted with a more in- depth research including consideration of the geometrie dimensions of the corner effect.The specific effect is reflected on the wall deformation and the displacement of soil outside the foundation excavation. When the excavation width is larger with stronger effect on the wall the corner effects are relatively outstanding with the sphere of influence about 5~7 times of the depth of excavation.At the same time the convex effect should be considered fully.The displacement of the soil outside corresponds to convex point will be also more obvious. Key words:soft soil;foundation excavation;corner effect;finite element ...
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