2014年10月上 施工技术 第43卷第19期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 45 D0I:10.7672/5js2014190045 软弱土层基坑水泥搅拌桩止水帷幕失效分析 任志福 (广州航海学院土木工程系,广东广州510725) [摘要]以广州市某基坑工程止水帷幕失效为背景,对软弱土层地质条件下的城市深基坑水泥搅拌桩止水帷幕失 效原因进行了分析.土体中的有机质含量、固化剂的比例及桩体有效入土深度等因素对水泥搅拌桩的成桩质量和 止水效果有较大影响.城市深基坑通常施工场地比较狭窄,基坑的支护结构、电梯井基坑、降水及其他工程对水泥 搅拌桩的施工质量有时也会产生较大影响,因此应做好相应的设计和施工管理工作. [关键词]地下工程;基坑;软弱土层;水泥搅拌桩;止水帷幕 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)19-0045-03 The Waterproof Curtain Failure Analysis of Cement Mixing Pile in Soft Soil Foundation Excavation Ren Zhifu (Department of Civil Engineering Guangzhou Maritime Institute Guangzhou Guangdong 510725 China) Abstract:Based on the waterproof curtain failure of a foundation excavation in Guangzhou the failure reasons of cement mixing pile waterproof curtain in soft soil geological conditions of deep foundation excavation in city are analyzed.The content of organic matter soil curing agent ratio and pile effective depth affect the cement mixing pile quality and the water sealing result.Usually the construction site of deep foundation excavation in city is quite narrow the supporting structure elevator excavation and foundation exeavation dewater also affect the quality of cement mixing pile sometimes.The corresponding design and the construction management should be worked well. Key words:underground;foundation excavation soft soil;cement mixing piles;waterproof curtain 0引言 坡顶距离路边线约3m 市政路对面10m处为某厂 城市基坑工程往往受施工场地限制,软弱土层 房;东侧为某花园小区,基坑边线距离小区围墙约 地质条件下水泥搅拌桩止水帷幕的设计和施工管 2.5m 距离小区建筑物边线8.9~25m.基坑总平 理难度更...
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