2012年4月下 施工技术 第41卷第363期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 73 轻井塑排加固法施工工艺现场对比试验研究 叶吉,卞金洪2,沈武杰 (1.江阴市华建筑安装工程有限公司,江苏江阴214400;2.江阴一建建设有限公司,江苏江阴214400) [摘要】软弱地基轻型井点结合塑料排水板复合加周法是将塑料排水板和轻型井点降水结合起来对软基进行加固 的方法,常用的施工工艺有先降水后强奔和先强后降水两种.结合靖江新港作业区公用码头软基加固工程,进 行两组不同施工工艺的现场对比试验.结果表明先强后降水方法施工的地表平均总沉降量要大于先降水后强 夯施工方法,前者平均固结度达96.8%,高于整个场地的平均固结度,说明采用先强后降水方祛施工地基加固效 果要优于先降水后强. [关键词】地基:加固;轻井塑排加固法:孔隙水压力;分层沉降 [中图分类号]TU753.1 [文献标识码]A【文章编号]1002-8498(2012)08-0073-04 Field Test on Construction Technology of Composite Reinforcing Method of Well Point Dewatering and Plastic Drainage Plate Ye Ji' Bian Jinhong' Shen Wujie' (1.Jiangyin Huacheng Construction and Installation Engineering Co.Lad.Jiangyin Jiangsu 214400 China: 2.Jiangyin No.I Construction Co.Lad.Jiangyin Jiangsu 214400 China) Abstract:It is a posite reinforcement method for soft foundation which bines well point dewatering and plastic drainage plate.There are two main construction technologies for the method including dewatering before dynamic paction and dynamic paction before dewatering.Based on the engineering of Xingang Public Wharf in Jinjiang two parison field tests are investigated for the two construction technologies.The results indicate that the total settlement of the latter method is larger than that of the former.The degree of consolidation of the former method is 96.8%which is higher than the average value.The observation means that the construetion technology of the latter method is better than that of the former. Key words:fou...
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