施工技术 2014年11月下 112 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第22期 D0I:10.7672/5js2014220112 轻质砂浆复合聚氨酯板外墙外保温系统施工技术* 孙桂芳,王永魁,罗淑湘,邱军付 (北京建筑技术发展有限贵任公司,北京100055) [摘要]硬泡聚氨酯复合板是近两年发展形成的一种新型保温板材,该板材采用薄抹灰外墙外保温系统,许多工程 应用后出现了板框可见、板缝裂缝等质量问题,轻质砂浆复合聚氨酯板外墙外保温系统能有效解决该问题.详细 介绍了系统构造、组成材料的性能、工艺流程及施工要点,并对系统技术优势进行了分析,通过工程验证表明:轻质 砂浆复合聚氨酯板外墙外保温系统是一项值得推广应用的外墙外保温技术. [关键词]建筑节能:轻质砂浆;聚氨酯板;外墙外保温系统;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU761.12 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)22-0112-04 Construction Technology of External Thermal Insulation System Based on Lightweight Mortar Composite with Rigid Polyurethane Foam Board Sun Guifang Wang Yongkui Luo Shuxiang Qiu Junfu Beijing Building Technology Development Co.Lad.Beijing 100055 China) Abstract:Rigid polyurethane posite foam board is a new external thermal board.After application of the thin plastering external thermal insulation with rigid polyurethane foam board some buildings appear the quality problems of visible board frames and cracking gaps of rigid polyurethane foam board.The external thermal insulation system based on lightweight mortar posite with rigid polyurethane foam board can successfully solve these problems.Technical structure the performance of the posite materials construction process and key points are introduced in detail and the technical advantages in the system are analyzed.The engineering application result shows that external thermal insulation system based on lightweight mortar posite with rigid polyurethane foam board is worth popularizing and applying. Key w...