2014年8月下 施工技术 第43卷第16期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 81 D0I:10.7672/5j52014160081 轻钢厂房新型墙面系统抗风性能研究* 朱思宇,杨彬,张其林 (同济大学土木工程学院,上海200092) [摘要]对一种适用于轻型钢结构厂房的新型墙面系统进行了有限元分析和试验研究.考察此系统在无外部墙面 板时风吸力作用下的承载能力及破坏形态,以及此系统在有外部墙面板时风压力作用下的承载能力及破坏形态. 结合进一步的有限元分析,对此新型墙面系统在施工和使用阶段的抗风承载力进行探讨,最终得到系统的抗风承 载力,并折算出其可承受的基本风压.并将此新型墙面系统与传统墙面系统在承载能力、使用性能等各方面进行 比较,指出此新型墙面系统有很大的应用前景. [关键词]轻钢厂房:墙面系统;风荷载:抗风性能;模拟;研究 [中图分类号]TU392 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)16-0081-04 Research on the Wind Resistance Performance of a New-type Wall System of Light Steel Factory Building Zhu Siyu Yang Bin Zhang Qilin College of Ciril Engineering Tongji University Shanghai 200092 China) Abstract:Numerical analysis and experimental research have been done to a new-type wall system of light steel factory building the research includes the behavior of system without outer panel under wind uplift and the behavior of system with outer panel under wind pressure.We can get the behavior and capacity of the system under wind load during construction and in-service periods through the numerical and experimental research.In conclusion both the mechanical property and the thermal property of the system are well so that the prospect of the application of the system is broad. Key words:light steel factory building;walls;wind power;wind resistance performance; simulation;research 轻型钢结构具有节省用钢量、施工速度快、抗布置保温棉达到保温隔热效果,施工方便.选用 震性能好、造型轻巧美观等优点,在建筑行业特别HV-600作为带肋板,HV-200作为外部墙面板进行 是工业建筑领域被广泛使用. 研究,系统如图1所示. 传统的轻型钢结构外墙一般为压型钢板墙面 H 板和冷弯薄壁型钢墙梁,亦可采用砌体外墙,或底 部为砌体、上部为轻...