施工技术 2011年10月下 46 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第40卷第351期 通省特长隧道软岩大变形机理及处治措施 沈峰1,成词峰2,刘桂兵3 (1.湖北省高速公路集团有限公司,湖北武汉430051;2,中国地质大学工程学院,湖北武汉430074; 3.中铁十七局集团第三工程有限公司,河北石家庄050081) [摘要]在现场调研及隧道监控量测的基础上,研究了十堰至房县高速公路通省隧道施工中出现的大变形问题,通 过分析该隧道大变形破坏的特点,从围岩岩性条件、工程结构受力和施工因素等方面对该隧道的大变形机制进行 了研究.结果表明通省隧道发生大变形的主导因素是隧道所处的地质环境和软弱围岩,而施工开挖卸荷是产生大 变形的诱因.结合研究成果提出针对大变形段的治理措施,监控量测结果表明该治理措施取得较好效果. [关键词]隧道工程;软岩;变形;监测 [中图分类号]U213 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)20-0046-04 Mechanism and Control Measures of Large Deformation of Tongsheng Tunnel Shen Feng' Cheng Cifeng? Liu Guibing' (1.Hubei Expressway Co.Lad.Wuhan Hubei 430051 China;2.Faculty of Engineering China University of Geosciences Wuhan Hubei 430074 China:3.CR17BG No.3 Engineering Co.Ltd.Shijiazhuang Hebei 050081 China) Abstract:Based on field investigation and monitoring measurement the large deformation of Tongsheng tunnel on Shiyan-Fangxian Highway is studied.By analyzing the features of deformation and failure of the tunnel the mechanism of large deformation is discussed from surrounding rocks conditions construction factors and construction.It is found that the special geological environments and soft surrounding rocks caused the large deformation.Countermeasures are proposed on basis of the study results in the construction and satisfactory effects are achieved. Key words:tunnels;soft rock;deformation;monitoring 1工程概况 治理措施,为保证全线隧道施工安全顺利,有着十分 通省隧道是湖北省十堰至房县高速公路上的特重要的意义. 长隧道,是全线的控制性工程.左线设计长度2地质条件 6900m 右线设计长度6873m.隧道为三心圆曲墙 2.1地形地貌 断面,拱半径R1=5.60m 曲墙半径R2=8...
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