施工技术 2012年5月上 28 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第364期 金华体育中心体育场看台罩棚 前端大拱管桁架施工技术 江涛,孟壮志2,马文科3,倪英戈3,冯建峰4,陈利芳1,王伟力 (1.中天建设集团有限公可,浙江金华321000;2.浙江中和建筑设计有限公司,浙江绍兴312000; 3.金华市建设工程质量监督站,浙江金华321000;4.浙江致远建设工程咨询监理有限公可,浙江金华321000) [摘要】金华市体育中心体育场月牙形看台罩棚钢结构为双层曲面螺栓球网架与前端大拱相结合的形式,前端大 拱和落地处局部采用管桁架,跨度大,高度高,工期紧,需要直接在现场拼装,精度控制要求高,旅工困难.管桁架 通过设置临时支撑架作为支撑点进行分段吊装、高空拼装、整体卸载等旅工技术,圆满地完成了安装任务. [关键词]钢结构:管桁架;临时支撑;安装;定位;卸载 [中图分类号]TU758.11 [文献标识码]A【文章编号]1002-8498(2012)09-0028-04 Construction Technology of Front Arch Pipe Truss of the Grandstand Awning in Jinhua Sports Center Stadium Jiang Tao' Meng Zhuangzhi Ma Wenke' Ni Yingge' Feng Jianfeng' Chen Lifang' Wang Weili' (1.Zhongtian Construction Group Co.Lad.Jinhua Zhejiang 321000 China; 2.Zhejiang Zhonghe Architeetural Design Co.Lid.Shaoxing Zhejiang 312000 China; 3.Jinhua Construetion Engineering Quality Supervision Station Jinhua Zhejiang 321000 China; 4.Zhejiang Zhiyuan Construction Engineering Consultation and Supersision Co.Lid.Jinhua Zhejiang 321000 China) Abstract:Steel structure of the crescent grandstand awning in Jinhua sports center stadium is bination shape of double-layer curved bolt-ball net frame and the front arch.The front arch uses pipe truss.The truss has characteristics of large span high and short construction period to need be assembled on-site. So the truss construction preeision is high and diffieult.By setting out temporary support as support point and using construction technology of being hoisted by segment assembled in high-sky...