2015年2月上 施工技术 第44卷第3期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 103 D0I:10.7672/5js2015030103 金属屋面风机洞口柔性防水方法的研究与应用 王凌云,王垚森2 (1.西南石油大学土木工程与建筑学院,四川成都610500; 2.四川华神钢构有限责任公司,四川成都610000) [摘要]目前钢结构在建筑中应用广泛,但钢结构厂房金属屋面渗漏现象却相当普遍,严重影响到建筑物的使用功 能.对钢结构厂房金属屋面风机洞口渗漏进行现场调查,详细分析了钢结构厂房金属屋面风机洞口渗漏的原因, 并对现有一般做法存在的不足与缺陷进行了剖析,提出了一种新的防水方法,并应用于重庆某钢结构厂房,结果表 明,这种方法对金属屋面风机洞口处密封性、耐久性、防水性能等得到了显著提高,节约了成本,经济和社会效益 显著. [关键词]防水工程;屋面;金属屋面;风机洞口:施工技术 [中图分类号]TU761.11 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)03-0103-04 Research and Application of Flexible Waterproof Method for Metal Roof Fan Portal Wang Lingyun' Wang Yaosen? (1.Institute of Civil Engineering and Construction Southucest Petroleum Unirersity Chengdu Sichuan 610500 China; 2.Sichuan Huasun Steel Structure Co.Lsd.Chengdu Sichuan 610000 China) Abstract:Currently application of steel structure in building broad but the leakage phenomenon of steel structure metal roof is quite mon which seriously influenees the using function of the building.This paper takes a mount of investigation of the metal roof fan portal leakage takes a detailed analysis of the causes of leakage of steel structure in the metal roof fan portal and puts forward a new waterproof method which is applied to an steel structure building in Chongqing.The results show that the new waterproof method significantly improves the sealing durability waterproofing property of metal roof fan portal.The study saves quite a mount of cost and owns a remarkable economic and social benefit. Key words:waterproofing;roofs;metal roo...