2013年7月下 施工技术 第42卷第14期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 113 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2013140113 钢筋套筒灌浆连接施工质量控制措施 秦珩,钱冠龙2 (1.北京万科企业有限公司,北京100125;2.北京建茂建筑设备有限公司,北京100088) [摘要]钢筋套筒灌浆连接是装配式混凝土结构建筑受力钢筋的重要连接方法,通过对该连接施工工艺和材料特 点的分析,阐明了影响连接质量的关键因素:预制阶段为灌浆连接接头性能和套筒质量、钢筋和套筒的定位精度 等,安装阶段为灌浆部位密封质量、灌浆作业工艺和构件保护措施等.提出了一套较完整的保证施工质量的技术 措施.工程实践表明,该措施施工效果良好. [关键词]钢筋;连接;套筒;灌浆;质量控制 [中图分类号]TU755.6 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)14-0113-04 The Construction Quality Control Measures of Coupler Grouting Splice for Reinforcement Qin Heng' Qian Guanlong' (1.Beijing Vanke Co.Ltd.Beijing 100125 China: 2.Beijing Jianmao Construction Equipment Co.Ltd.Beijing 100088 China) Abstract:The coupler grouting splice for reinforcement is an important splicing method of bearing load reinforcement in precast reinforced concrete structure.By analysis on the features of construction techniques and splicing material the factors of influencing construction quality is emphasized.In prefabrication stage they are the performance of grouting splice ending and coupler quality location precision of reinforcement and coupler and so on.In installation stage they are the sealing quality of grouting parts grouting technique and ponents protection measures and so on.A series of technique measures for ensuring the construction quality of grouting splice are advanced.The project practice shows that the technique measures are effective and successful. Key words:reinforcement;splice;coupler;grouting;quality control 1钢筋套筒灌浆连接 灌浆方法连接的接头.而一端采用螺纹连接,另一 1.1接头组...