2016年5月下 施工技术 第45卷第10期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 45 D0I:10.7672/8js2016100045 钢筋桁架楼承板倾斜承载研究与应用 姚刚1,许程丞,徐士杰,冯锋2,江磊2,陈治2 (1.重庆大学土木工程学院,重庆400045;2.中建钢构有限公司,重庆400045) [摘要]钢筋桁架楼承板已在许多工程领域得以应用,以工程为例论述钢筋桁架楼承板受力特性,对其倾斜状态下 的承载进行力学分析.研究表明:在混凝土硬化前的施工阶段,结构的强度、刚度全部来源于钢筋桁架,楼板质量 不会使板底混凝土产生拉应力:桁架楼承板在楼面活荷载以及永久荷载作用下,比普通混凝土板变形、开裂的时间 明显延迟;随着钢筋桁架板倾斜角度的增加,其施工阶段的适用跨度减小,必要时可增加上弦、下弦、腹杆筋的直径 以达到提高其适用跨度的目的.通过贵阳花果园倾斜钢筋桁架楼承板施工实例,验证了对其受力分析的可靠性. [关键词]钢筋桁架;倾斜;受力;跨度:施工 [中图分类号]TU323.4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)10-0045-04 Bearing Research and Application on Sloping Steel Bar Truss Deck Yao Gang' Xu Chengcheng' Xu Shijie' Feng Feng2 Jiang Lei Chen Zhi (1.School of Ciril Engineering Chongging University Chongging 400045 China; 2.China Construction Steel Structure Co.Ltd.Chongging 400045 China) Abstract:Steel bar truss deck is widely applied in many fields now.This paper summarizes the advantages of the steel bar truss deck and analyzes its mechanical characteristics based on engineering examples.Research shows that:When construction stage without temporary support the strength and rigidity of the floor is the same as the steel bar truss floor of gravity doesn't make the bottom concrete tensile stress before the concrete became hard.The deformation and cracking time of steel truss floor boards under permanent load and floor live loads was significantly delayed than ordinary concrete.With the increase of steel bar truss plate angle the span of its construction phase is reduced.We can increase the diameter of rein...